To contribute and manage your donations for Special Gifts, Holy Days, and Second Collections through our ParishSoft Giving platform please click here.
Donations beyond the weekly envelope or ACH giving commonly occur with stock transfers of appreciated stock. For some people, this may save on the tax liability of the giver and may be used as a tax deduction. For more information, please contact the parish office.
Including St. Francis Parish in your Will or Trust is a great way to continue to help your parish. We encourage bequests to be given to the St. Francis Endowment Fund which ensures income to the parish for years to come. People often ask, “How much should I leave to my parish?” Here, you might consider the 4% rule. If you give $50 per week to the parish now, your bequest of $65,000 can continue to contribute $50 per week (and adjust for inflation) for years and years to come. For more information, please contact the parish office.
Believe it or not, one of the best ways to contribute annually to your parish is to be generous with the Diocesan Annual Appeal. The Appeal amount set by the Diocese is an obligation of the parish. We owe this money to the Diocese. The money you give each year above and beyond what we owe is given back to the parish as a rebate. The advantage to the parish is that this rebate is not subject to taxes by the Diocese. Those taxes are about 7% of income. This means that contributing to the Annual Appeal is worth about 7% more to the parish than if you just put it in the weekly envelope.
You can contribute towards the annual appeal here.